Also just a reminder that Friday is a PD day so there will be no school.
Today we spent a good chunk of time talking about recycling, composting, and garbage in general. It was supposed to be a few minutes of review to discuss what items go in our classroom blue, yellow, green, and black bins. However, it turned into a really rich conversation about the effect that our waste etc. has on the environment. Some students were really interested in understanding more about composting- but we couldn't spend any more time digging deeper into that today. I suggested that the students could explore the concept more outside of school by doing some research or finding books on the topic. If you use recycling at home have your son or daughter help you sort between recyclable and refundable items as well as what has to be put in the garbage. At the school we use green bins for organics and the students were fascinated to discover that paper towels and pizza boxes and coffee grinds could be put in the organics bin. Here's a link that could help differentiate what can and can't be recycled.
Although it wasn't planned to happen as it did, the discussion also linked nicely back to how citizens needs are met through community. The city of Calgary is responsible for managing the waste of the city and its members help make the decisions as to what should happen with landfills and neighbourhood pick ups (and of course pay for the service through taxes!) We will continue to talk about how different communities such as neighbourhood, municipal (city), provincial, and federal (country) work together to support it's members of that community.
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