
Tuesday, November 15, 2016

November 15

In Social Studies we have discussed different communities that we are a part of. We started with their neighbourhood of Evanston, then moved onto their city of Calgary. Now we are exploring the next larger community that we are apart of- Alberta. Students are trying to understand the vocabulary of city, province, country and continent- as they are easily confused. For the next little while we will examine Canada as a whole and then move into specific communities within other provinces. If you could have a conversation with your child about places you have been together around Canada or even just Alberta. It would help if you talk about what those places are like physically (landforms and geography) and what types of activities you did there. This will help refresh their memories and understanding of different places and support them in communicating their experiences with the class.

Picture retakes are tomorrow as well. Hopefully we will be called earlier in the morning before recess so that students who are having their pictures redone will still be in top form for their pictures! :)

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