Just a reminder that tomorrow is the last day for the Veterans Food Drive collection. If you have any non-perishable food items that you could donate please send them with your child.
We will also have a Remembrance Day ceremony tomorrow at 9:30 am. We have talked to the students about this being a serious and important ceremony that honours those who have made the ultimate sacrifice to keep Canada a democratic and safe place to live. There will be no school on Friday, November 11.
In Math this week we have been focusing on developing our number sense. At the beginning of every math session we start with a number talk. This is a short 5-10 minute routine that we will continue to do all year. The number talk helps us improve our ability to communicate what we are thinking as well as develop our mental math strategies. The students have enjoyed it so far and have engaged successfully in looking at ten frames. They examined dot patterns on a ten frame and had to quickly subitize (see the number as a group quickly without having to count one by one). When the dot's are not all clumped together it naturally leads into addition of the two sections. Some students were able to identify concepts such as doubles (the same number added to itself) when they noticed the patterns on the frame were the same on both sides.
We will continue to work with ten frames tomorrow and a bit next week as they start to represent numbers up to 20 with them. These tools are great for representing numbers as well because they allow students to recognize the "ten-ness" in numbers and can support their knowledge of place value, addition, and spatial awareness.
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