
Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Stampede Breakfast on Friday

Hi everyone- We would love it if you are available to join us this Friday morning for our first ever Stampede breakfast. Students are to come into the school at 8:00 am as usual for attendance and we will head outside as a whole class and can connect with parents and siblings outside. Everyone is welcome but you just have to meet us outside at 8:15. As far as I know if there are rain/weather complications we will still go ahead with the breakfast but it will be on rotation in the gym. We hope to see you there!

You should have received several forms today, I know it seems like a lot at once but you have some time to return them. We will be going on a half day field trip to the Aboriginal Learning Centre on May 29 and are in need of some volunteers. Please let me know if you are available to help out and you have a police clearance. Swimming lessons are also upcoming- June 12-20, we need to let the pool know what our various swim levels and numbers are so that they can plan accordingly for their instructors. Please return the forms when you get a chance to fill them out. Thanks!

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