
Monday, May 1, 2017

May 1

What an awesome day we had today! We had a very special guest, magician Steve Harmer. The students absolutely loved him. His show Brilliant and Resilient included many amazing tricks like a rabbit appearing, a table floating, and some interesting string and card tricks. Along with the magic tricks, Steve taught us some valuable life lessons and shared the 7 C's with us to improve ourselves. Ask your child what they remember about being Resilient and Brilliant.

Thank you for all the donations for building supplies for our Insulators. Students have been planning their devices. They have sketches and material lists prepared for the build session. We will be building on Tuesday and Wednesday if needed and testing our devices with ice cubes or hot water on Thursday this week. We want to see how long our insulating devices can keep the heat from transferring.

On May 3- it's hats ON for Mental Health so everyone is encouraged to wear a hat to school. They can be funky crazy hats, toques or just regular ball caps- any hat is fine.

If you are planning on ordering book orders, they are due this Thursday, May 4th.

Students are doing a great job of bringing back their home reading books. If students want to keep their books for a few days, that is totally fine. However, they do have the option of changing their books daily if need be. If you are noticing that the book level they are bringing home is too tough or too easy, please send a note in the bag and I can try to make sure to find texts that suit the student the best.

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