
Wednesday, April 19, 2017

We need your vote!!

There was a problem with the system for voting on the Hitmen Hockey Restoration Grant so if you've already voted we need you to do it again and tell everyone you know!  They have restarted and set the votes to 0.   Please share with everyone you know and ask them to vote for us (parents, grandparents, friends, Facebook, twitter ....). Voting will now go until May 1st!

The winner will be the video that has the most votes so click on this link and vote, vote, vote 

Thank you everyone for your support.  We have the chance to win 50,000 towards building our playground!! You can vote on multiple devices (ie. Ipad, phone, computer, etc.) and you can vote 4 times per day per device!!

Students were also excited today for the return of Denise Miller, our guest speaker who is an amazing storyteller of Metis and other Aboriginal stories. The class was especially pleased that they recognized the format of many of her stories about animals. Kids noticed that she was telling Pourquoi tales! We sang some songs with her as she drummed along. There was some incorporation of Social Studies and Science concepts, such as how early people of Canada lived and what elements are necessary for creating fire.  Students were so entertained and seemed mesmerized with her funny and unique stories. I think it will definitely help them when they are writing and telling their own stories to know what really helps engage the audience. Ask your child what they remember about her visit and if they can describe why the Coyote howls?

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