
Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Upcoming Info

In honour of the Calgary Flames starting their playoff run tomorrow (April 13) we will be having a fun Red/Black spirit day. Students are encouraged to wear the colours red and black or Flames gear if they would like to but it certainly isn't mandatory. Tomorrow is also Learning Commons Book Exchange day so please remember to bring your books. Home reading books can also be brought back and switched.

Also a reminder that there is no school for students this Friday, April 14th (Good Friday-Stat holiday) or Monday, April 17th which will be the day we are having student-led conferences. If you haven't signed up yet for a block of time, you can go to your MyCbe account and select a time that is convenient for you. We can arrange a separate meeting another day if this date/time doesn't work for you, please just email me at to make alternative arrangements.

Lastly a notice went home today to vote for our school as a finalist for the Calgary Hitmen Hockey grant. We are one of the 3 finalists and the winner is awarded $50,000 for the playground. Please vote for us and spread the word to everyone you know to do the same!

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