
Tuesday, February 28, 2017

New Motto in our room

As we have been diving into 2 digit addition problems and discovering different strategies to calculate totals, there has been a lot of discussion about communicating our understanding. We have really been stressing that while getting the correct answer is important, it is the process that we want to focus on. Being able to prove/back up our calculations and communicate our thinking process is more important than just writing down the answer. As we discussed this idea- the class came up with a motto to help remind us of the importance of documenting our steps/thinking. Corbin helped synthesize our ideas into the statement "It's not just what you know, it's what you show that counts".

One reason that showing their work is important is that it helps me to identify what strategies they are comfortable with and where any misunderstandings are so that I can help students work through it. Also, when students make errors it is easier for them to go back and identify where they may have made a mistake to fix it up if they can see how they got there. When students document their steps it gives them visual support to explain or prove their calculations.

Give your child a double digit equation in which they need to combine numbers above 10 but below 50 together and see what they are able to show and share with you.

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