
Monday, February 6, 2017

Grand Opening!!!

What a day!! We did some pretty exciting things today to prepare for our Grand Opening ceremony on Friday. The students got to have some fun as we created a whole school video and we had extra practice for our special performance. I spoke with many of you at conferences but just in case I didn't, we want to make sure that you know that our class will be performing a dance at the ceremony. Each student can have 2 tickets for their family members for the Friday 1:00 pm performance or parents are also welcome to come to Thursday afternoon's dress rehearsal. We just ask that if you are planning to attend that you reserve your 2 tickets through the link that was emailed out last week. There will be some special guests and dignitaries attending the event as well. It is a very exciting time for our school and a unique experience for the students and staff to participate in! We will spend a good chunk of this week exploring what our school acronym H.E.A.R.T really means.

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