
Thursday, January 12, 2017

Swansong Storyteller

We had an amazing opportunity today to listen to a Metis storyteller named Denise Miller. She was so engaging and the students loved listening to her traditional stories about the animals and land. Denise told us stories about a rabbit, an eagle, and even led us in some singing to accompany her drum. It was a perfect introduction for us into storytelling as we will be beginning to write legends about a animals and the land in several of our unique Canadian provinces.  Ask your child to retell you the story about why the wind is important and the lesson that the grumpy, selfish character learned.

Jan. 13- Book orders are due (I can extend this until Monday if you email me and let me know)
Jan. 17+18-  Popcorn Toonie Treat Days
Jan. 20- Early dismissal 11:30  and last day to order fun lunch for following week.

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