
Wednesday, October 12, 2016

As a class we are really working on giving and receiving constructive but positive feedback. Today we read and discussed this book "Thanks for the Feedback". Some students (and adults too) have a hard time receiving feedback or criticism and take it very personally or get very defensive about it. This is partly due to how the person gives it as well as the intention of the criticism.

In this book, RJ learns that feedback is information that is given to you that can help you improve and grow. In our classroom we will be providing each other with positive compliments and constructive criticism regularly so that we can practice both giving and receiving advice to help us to always improve and move forward. This will help students be supportive and helpful to each other and learn from one another. It's often easier to hear feedback from a peer than an adult, teacher or parent. We started with a simple 2 stars and a wish  feedback loop after doing "read to someone" today and students also examined each others writing to ensure they each had the proper capitalization and punctuation.

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