
Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Today we had our first fire drill and it was really successful considering it was a new experience for all of us! The students were very responsible in getting out of the school quickly and lining up at our spot outside. We will continue to practice staying quiet during the drills to ensure we are listening for important information that we may receive.

I can't believe it's already the last week of September- time is really flying!! Unfortunately this means the weather is starting to change and our days are much cooler now. We do go outside everyday for recess (in the afternoon) and the students are also out at lunch so it's important that they are dressed appropriately for the weather. I've been telling the class "it's better to have a jacket and not need it, then need a jacket and not have it" - although we also have the issue of students remembering to bring their jackets back inside with them as well- haha. We will keep working on it :)

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